It is the goal of Fee Fee Cemetery Association to maintain the appearance and grounds of the cemetery in an attractive and reasonable condition. For this reason, the Cemetery and its agents have the authority to remove all flowers, decorations, greenery or other objects that become unsightly or out of season.
No planting of flowers, shrubs, bushes or trees is permitted at any time on cemetery property. No glass items of any kind are permitted.
Fresh-cut or artificial flowers may be displayed in a permanent vase, metal or plastic cone, or saddle mount at each monument.
The placement of other decorations and personal items are permitted near each monument from November 15 through March 14. These items must be removed for the grass cutting season. Please remove items you wish to save before March 14.
During grass cutting season, fresh-cut or artificial flowers and saddle arrangements must be secured to the monument and not placed directly on the ground. Ground mounted decorations such as shepherd hooks, wreaths, blankets and personal items are not permitted, and will be removed to facilitate maintenance of the property.
An exception to the above will be allowed for Memorial Day. Appropriate decorations may be placed on the ground for ONE WEEK BEFORE AND ONE WEEK AFTER this specific holiday.
Fresh-cut flowers and decorations placed upon new graves will be removed 15 days after the date of interment.